Here is a list of selected publications of mine. You can download a complete list here: Complete_Publications_Astrid_Haas



Haas, Astrid. Lone Star Vistas: Travel Writing on Texas, 1821–1861. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, March 2021.  Lone-Star-Vistas. Go here for purchase options: HOME 

Haas, Astrid. Stages of Agency: The Contributions of American Drama to the AIDS Dis­course. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011. Stages-of-Agency

Journal Issues

Haas, Astrid, ed. The Harlem Renaissance in an Inter-American Perspective. Special Issue, FIAR: Forum for Inter-American Research 7.2 (July 2014).  FIAR vol. 7.2

Haas, Astrid, and María Herrera-Sobek, eds. Transfrontera: Transnational Perspectives on the U.S.–Mexi­co Borderlands. Special Issue, American Studies Journal 57 (May 2012).  ASJ vol. 57 


Postdoctoral book cover



Journal Articles

Haas, Astrid. “Migración indocumentada y activismo migrante: El artivismo de la ficción gráfica mexico-estadounidense.” Visual Narratives: Approaches to Graphic Novels in the Americas. FIAR: Forum for Inter-American Research 17.2 (June 2024). 40-53. Migracion-Indocumentada

Haas, Astrid. “Native Bondage, Narrative Mobility: African American Accounts of Indigenous Captivity.” Journal of American Studies 56.2 (May 2022):  242-266. Native-Bondage

Haas, Astrid. “Currents of Progress, Toy Store for Tourists: Nineteenth-Century Mexican Liberals View Niagara Falls.” Journal of Transnational American Studies 10.2 (Winter 2019): 165-185.  Currents-of-Progress

Haas, Astrid. “A Changing Game: Ethnicity, Gender, and Nation in the U.S. American Soccer Film.” Comparative American Studies 12.4 (December 2014): 301-315.  Changing-Game

Haas, Astrid. “Un continente ‘de color’: Langston Hughes y América Latina.” The Harlem Renaissance in an Inter-American Perspective. Ed. Astrid Haas. FIAR: Forum for Inter-American Research 7.2 (July 2014): 36-54.  Continente-de-Color


Haas, Astrid. “Travel Writing (in the Atlantic World).” Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. Ed. Trevor Burnard. New York: Oxford University Press, July 2024. Travel-Writing-Atlantic

Book Chapters

FORTHCOMING: Haas, Astrid. “Black Narrative Self-Making in a Changing Scene: The Life and Adventures of James Beckwourth.” Life Writing, Creativity, and the Social in the Americas. Ed. Wilfried Raussert and Susana Rocha Teixeira. Berlin: De Gruyter, fall 2024.

Haas, Astrid. “Langston Hughes and Mexico.” Langston Hughes in Context. Ed. Vera M. Kut­zinski and Anthony Reed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 150-159. Hughes-in-Context

Haas, Astrid. “Borderlands Identities and Borderlands Ideologies in Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop.” Transfrontera: Transnational Perspectives on the U.S.–Mexico Borderlands. 2012. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, vol. 421. Ed. Carol A. Schwartz. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2022. 101-09. Borderlands-Identities

Haas, Astrid. “Saint or Scoundrel? Representing Padre Martínez in Early (Auto)Biography and Fiction.” Inter-American Perspectives in the 21st Century: Festschrift in Honor of Josef Raab. Ed. Olaf Kaltmeier and Wilfried Raussert. Trier: WVT; New Orleans: University of New Orleans Press, 2021. 121-131.  Inter-American-Perspectives

Haas, Astrid. “’This Long Disease, My Life:’ Bodies of Contagion in Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me.” Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Ed. Sandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Sara Polak. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. 199-217.  Embodying-Contagion

Haas, Astrid. “Travel Writing.” The Routledge Handbook to Culture and Media of the Americas. Part I: Literature and Music. Ed. Wilfried Raussert, Giselle Anatol, and Joachim Michael. London: Routledge, 2020. 252-60. Culture-Media-Americas

Haas, Astrid. “Prairie Promises, Lone Star Limits: Depictions of Texas in German Travelogues from 1830-1860.” Deutschland und die USA im Vor- und Nachmärz: Politik—Literatur—Wissen­schaft. Birgit Bublies-Godau and Anne Meyer-Eisenhut. Jahrbuch Forum Vormärz Forschung 23.Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2018. 235-53. Prairie-Promises

Haas, Astrid. “From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848.” Migration in Context: Literature, Culture, and Language. Ed. Marcus Hartner and Marion Schulte. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies 5. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2016. 135-51. Goettingen-Galveston

Haas, Astrid. “Mexican Travelers and the ‘Texas Question,’ 1821-1836.” Hemispheric Encounters: The Ear­ly United States in a Transnational Perspective. Ed. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez and Markus Heide. Interamericana: Interamerican Literary History and Culture. Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 2016. 117-32. Mexican-Travelers


shelf with books containing writings by Astrid Haas


Most of my journal articles and book chapters can be accessed via the following subject repository: THE STACKS



Since 2001, I have published several reviews and translations as well as given more than 70 lectures and presentations on topics of North American, Inter-American, and Atlantic Studies in English, Spanish, and German at conferences and research institutions in Europe and the Americas.


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